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None of them knew the color of the sky Their eyes glanced level, and were fastened upon the waves that swept toward them These waves were of the hue of slate, save of the tops, which were of foaming white, and all of the men knew the colors of the sea The horizon。
五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳TripstoChina’sfivegreatmountainsrendertripstoothermountainsunnecessary,andatriptoHuangshanrenderstripstothefivegreatmountainsunnecessary 桂林山水甲天下Guilinlandscapetopsthoseelsewhere, 阳朔山水甲桂林andYangshuolandscapetopsthatofGuilin 五岳china’sfivegreatsacredpinemountains 天下。